I'm so frustrated. Why do some Craigslist shoppers want you to give them your stuff? I've got a fabulous jogging stroller for sale, barely used, and listed for less than 50% of retail. There is zero wear, other than a little dirt on the wheels. It's a piece of gear a family could bring on, use for years, and still sell it for $75 when they're done. So why is it that I keep finding people who want to pay me $50 for it? I love the defense, "Well other people are selling theirs for $35." Yeah...I sold a stroller once for $15 too, but that's because it was beat up! If you want something as close to new as possible, you have to pay for it. Ay yi yi!
Dear Craigslist shoppers, thank you for your interest. I really do appreciate it. I never mind answering your questions. I don't even mind meeting you so you can see the stroller before agreeing to purchase it. I believe this is all very reasonable of me. Please offer me the same courtesy and offer a price that's realistic, show up at the time and location we agreed and don't make me uncomfortable by trying to haggle on the spot.
With that all said, I love Craigslist. I wish I could get my butt in gear and move more stuff out the door! :-)
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